2023 Festival Comments:
Marcy Tintera
—Regular Attendee/Donor 2/26/2023
I attended the festival on my own as, sadly, my Overland Park friends weren't able to make it. Happily though, I met four new friends from Lenexa...first-time festival attendees! We had a wonderful time at the cinema dinner together and visiting with other table mates. I won the huge, framed poster of Hedy Lamarr which I was afraid wouldn't fit in my Smart car, but I made it happen.
The film I most enjoyed this year was The Lost City of Cecil B. DeMille. I found it fascinating and odd that the city bureaucrats put so many obstacles in the way of the excavation of the sets and props left on the sand dunes of Southern California from the making of the 1923 film "The Ten Commandments." To what end?
As always, a huge thank you to you and everyone involved in putting this annual festival together. It is always very much appreciated. My new and old friends and I look forward to next year!
Sue Sutton
—Concordia, KS 2/26/2023
LOVED the 1923 theme - a real landmark year. Excellent listing of all the people, places and things of (that) year. Quality of film (projected images) tops; documentary (Lost City of C.B. DeMille) was first rate. Musicians were fabulous as ever. Maybe a tad of sensory overload by Saturday night.
Tom Leising
—Topeka, KS 2/28/2023
Another great and much-appreciated festival of our silent film heritage to entertain and inspire us on a wintery weekend! As usual, the theme was beautifully carried through and the films and music were top-notch. Amazing that this continues to be free! Especially for A WOMAN OF PARIS, string accompaniment
would have enhanced the film, but that's not at all a complaint—just an amateur observation. Thanks for all you and your crew do!
Larry Stendebach
—Hannibal, MO 3/24/2023
This year's festival was fantastic! Opening night on Friday was a huge success with quite a few attendees! It was great to meet Lara Gabrielle and hear her presentation about Marion Davies;
she spoke with great passion about Ms. Davies. Bruce Calvert has attended KSFF and made huge contributions each year, but this was the first year he got up on stage, with his great presentation on what it would have been like to see silent movies during the by-gone era! Great job, Bruce!
Bob Keckeisen
—Performer 3/25/23
I think overall things went well except for the delay in starting the Saturday evening program following the dinner. I'd prefer if we errored on the side of finishing the afternoon a little early, rather than rushing our audience (and especially our speaker) through the dinner and program. The delay also seems a tad bit rude to the audience members who don't attend the dinner and then have to wait around for the evening program to begin.
Other than that, thanks and congrats to everyone who worked so hard to pull off another great festival! |
Set-up |
We added a Friday afternoon program at White Concert Hall, Washburn University for the first time at this, our 26th live event. Set-up was done on Thursday evening and Friday morning in the concert hall, in the hall lobby, and included the annual adding of the KSFF banner at the concert hall front entrance. As is usual, preparing included stage equipment set up, movie projection and accompaniment rehearsals. laying out displays of items for sale in the White Concert Hall lobby, including 26th Anniversary t-shirts (in bright red), DVDs and CDs, and copies of the biography of silent film star Marion Davies, Captain of Her Soul, The Life of Marion Davies by our 2023 guest speaker Lara Gabrielle.
Ken Filardo brought silent film projection equipment and sat it up in the concert hall lobby, where he could demonstrate and explained how the battery-operated silent film projector he'd brought worked to attendees during breaks during film showings on Friday's and Saturday's program breaks.
Bruce Calvert brought silent film collectibles from Texas to use in two display cases, and he and and Jim Reed set up 16mm projection equipment for use at this occasion. |
White Concert Hall, Washburn University
Our schedule moved to White Concert Hall, Washburn University, on Friday morning, February 24th, and continued there all day on Saturday, Feb. 25th.
Film Historian Denise Morrison continues to introduce our films from the stage over all 26 years of our live events. Live music was provided this year by Rodney Sauer (piano). by Jeff Rapsis (piano and organ), Ben Model (piano), Marvin Faulwell (organ), Bob Keckeisen (percussion), and Bill Beningfield (organ). Karl Mischler of New York City, took event photos when managed running DVD projection from the stage floor. Jim Reid and Bruce Calvert assisted the festival by running projection for 16mm movies shown on film. First thing on Saturday morning Bruce Calvert spoke for 30 minutes on "Movie-Going Experience in the Silent Era." On Saturday afternoon our special guest, author Lara Gabrielle, introduced the showing of the feature film Little Old New York starring silent film actress Marion Davies. After the showing Lara held a booksigning in the White Concert Hall lobby of copies of her biography Captain of Her Soul: The Life of Marion Davies. |
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Lobby Activity |
Chatting, shopping, relaxing and sharing took place in the lobby of White Concert Hall, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas. Special thanks to Zandra Myrick for managing volunteer services. Steadfast fans attending yearly make planning and presenting each Kansas Silent Film Festival worth the work. We extend our thanks to the many fans from Kansas, nearby Missouri, and many states north, south, east and west...across the U.S.
All are welcome! |
Our thanks go to Ken Filardo for sharing, this year, a battery-powered silent film projector from his collection of antique motion picture equipment and presenting demonstrations of its operation to our attendees in the White Concert Hall lobby.
During our Saturday afternoon break our special guest, Lara Gabrielle, signed copies of her book biography of the life of silent film star Marion Davies, Captain of Her Soul: The Life of Marion Davies.
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14th Annual Cinema Dinner |
At this 14th annual Cinema Dinner attendees enjoyed good food, conversation and door prize give-aways. Music was performed by harpist Erin Wood. Special guest was Lara Gabrielle , who spoke after dinner about her research into the life of silent film star Marion Davies. Her biography of Davies is Captain of Her Soul: The Life of Marion Davies. The event was well attended. Our space was close to full, with fans simply walking to Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center, just across the street from the White Concert Hall lobby—very convenient. The festival committee appreciates the support of attendees of each festival's Cincema Dinner! |
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Staff |
Staff devoted their time and efforts for the 2023 26th LIVE Kansas Silent Film Festival. The KSFF board members include Denise Morrison, Bill Shaffer, Jane Bartholomew, Zandra Myrick, Carol Yoho, Melanie Lawrence, Nancy Lawrence, and Brian Sanders . Help coming from out-of-state includes Karl Mischler (here from New York City and offering help moving materials in a large rental van), Larry & Enid Stendebach (here from Hannibal, MO) and Bruce Calvert and Jim Reid (driving from Texas). Special thanks go to Washburn employees Brock Martin (manager of White Concert Hall) and Washburn maintenance staff (especially Mike Sershen and Michael D. Allen). We depend on the talents of our musicians Marvin Faulwell, Bill Beningfield, and Bob Kecksisen. Muscians flying to Kansas from other states included Rodney Sauer (from Colorado), Ben Model (from New York), and Jeff Rapsis (from New Hampshire). We also extend special thanks to our festival initiator Jim Rhodes of Topeka (having started our event in 1996) who continues to support us in many ways as he attends each year in person. Many thanks to our dedicated staff and assistants! |
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Volunteers |
Zandra Myrick is our Board of Directors Volunteer Chair. Zandra and the entire board would like to thank our 2023 event volunteers who helped our staff by answering questions, selling merchandise, counting attendance arrivals, greeting fans and passing out programs.
—Thank you, all 2023 KSFF volunteers! |
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Meals on-the-go |
The many board members, talent and helpers for this event met, early and late, for special meals as they organized, set-up and, later, took down equipment, displayed items and merchandise made available for this event. The meals were managed (and, in some cases COOKED by) board member Nancy Lawrence, with support from Marj and Ragen Murray again this year. Thank you, all meal helpers!
Our thanks to all talent and helpers for their efforts and comradery. |
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Clean-up |
Standard procedure is to clean up and haul everything away on Sunday after each festival. With good help, cleaning up at White Concert Hall and moving items away worked smootly.
PLEASE NOTE: We were pleased to continue with our 25th LIVE KSFF in 2022 and, this year, our 26th LIVE KSFF event. The Covid-19 pandemic limited celebrating during 2021 (which had to be a "virtual" event, done on TV, helped by KTWU Public Television). The COVID pandemic may still not be over, but masks were not required this year. Two of our staff members did not attend this year because of safety/wellness concerns. We missed seeing Melanie Lawrence and Ragen Murray at this 2023 event! |
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