2019 Festival Comments:
Bruce Calvert
—Dallas, Texas
It certainly isn't the biggest film festival. It doesn't show the rarest films and the festival certainly isn't as fashionable as the TCM Festival or Cinecon. On the other hand, they have some of the best silent film accompanists in North America. It is also free, and that draws in many people who would never consider paying money to attend an expensive festival. The festival staff and the audience members are really friendly.
That perfectly sums up the charm and uniqueness of the Kansas Silent Film Festival. The weather isn't always the greatest, the location is a bit out of the way, but the venue, staff, and talent are all great.
Want to volunteer for 2020? Contact us at ksffvolunteer@gmail.com
Jim Rhodes
—Festival Founder,
Topeka, KS
Many thanks for your continued HARD WORK to put on another successful KSFF. The festival has indeed become a "fixture" in the life and history of Topeka of which we can be proud.
Marcy Tintera
—University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE
Many, many thanks AGAIN Bill, Committee AND Volunteers for another wonderful festival. I'd seen bits and pieces of Metropolis but never the entire film before. Very interesting, and the music from the Alloy Orchestra was so intense. Amazing that that much music could come from just three people! We so enjoyed the Cinema Dinner and Ben Model's presentation on "Undercranking: The Magic Behind the Slapstick". It was very informative and we wished there had been more time to have heard more from him. My favorite film this year was BATTLE OF THE CENTURY. The looks that Stan Laurel gets on his face are priceless. We're already looking forward to 2020, and thanks in advance!
Paul Post
—Topeka, KS
Another great festival. I'm glad to be a small part of it. Count me in for helping next year.!
Jeff Rapsis
—Bedford, NH
Jeff R. checking in to say something you already knew: that this year's Kansas Silent Film Festival was outstanding in many ways! Congratulations to you and everyone.
And also thank you to you and to all the folks who work all year long for this to happen. Those of us (such as me) who just blow in at the last minute really owe you all a debt of gratitude!
Thank you also for the chance to do music for a really interesting group of films, especially features 'Venus of the South Seas' (1924) and 'Bucking Broadway' (1917). Both of these were satisfying films to score and seemed to hold audience attention.
And thanks also for getting Bob K. to help with 'Venus.' Working with Bob and coming up with music for that very strange film was the most satisfying experience of the weekend, I thought. It all came together quite naturally and I very much liked how it turned out!
So it was a great time for what was my 20th consecutive year of trekking to Washburn University. How did that happen? But it has, and thank you for your role in encouraging this all along. In February, most people prefer to go to Aruba, but I go to Topeka!
[Jeff posted a write-up of related thoughts on his web iste, with link posted at the bottom of this column.]
Don Bishop
—Kansas City
It feels as though some 45 years of going to screenings of silent films was only a prelude to tonight's screening of "Metropolis." The musical accompaniment was unlike any I have ever heard. When I saw the array of percussive instruments onstage, I expected an impressive performance, but I could not have predicted how wonderful it was.
I don't know what to call some of the instruments, so for lack of vocabulary, I will call them clangers and scrapers. With the drums providing a conventional sound, though highly unusual to have them, in my experience with silent films, the clangers gave a metallic sound that fit the industrial feel of the movie so well.
The scraper the musician played as doors closed fit the moment so well and added much to the tension.
I appreciated the talent of the musician on the keyboard, too. Fabulous.
I was surprised at the tempo of the accompaniment when it started, and continued to be surprised when the pace continued almost entirely unabated for the length of the movie. I will use the word "tension" again -- the tempo added to the tension. Plus, with so many people shown running in a high proportion of the scenes, the tempo fit well.
Next, the visual: The quality of the images was superb. And after hearing about the discovery in Buenos Aires of a version of the film with additional scenes, I have been looking forward to seeing the extended version. It seems as though the additional scenes were found a long time ago. It was worth the wait.
I never saw a font the same as the font used for the title cards. The design of title cards sometimes adds to the viewing experience, and the design of the title cards for this version of "Metropolis" is terrific.
Now, a comparison: I believe I have seen "Metropolis" screened in a theater at least once. It was not memorable. I have watched it at least twice at home on a DVD. It was boring to watch,, and I could not understand the story. Even so, because of the movie's reputation, I wanted to watch it. I don't remember the accompaniment. Maybe it was fine, or maybe it was not so good. I can imagine if it was organ music, it would not measure up, especially with dreamy-sounding playing that some organists use.
When I saw "Metropolis" on the Kansas Silent Film Festival schedule, I almost skipped going to Topeka tonight. I believed there was little reason to watch the movie again, after previous experiences. But as I rushed around the house, tending to chores, repairs, packing the suitcase and doing some magazine work along the way, I had in mind a 5 p.m. departure to get to Topeka in time for the 7 p.m. start for the evening's program.
I am so glad I attended tonight's screening.
Marcia Schroeder
—Wichita, KS
It was a great festival. Thanks for all the work you do. I thought Saturday night was terrific. I'd love to see all those "Knighthood" costumes in color.
[About lunch on-campus]: We decided to try the Lincoln Dining Center at the west end of Lincoln Hall. Great lunch. We were charged $8.02 each at the door. And then we could choose anything we wanted. There was a salad bar, a build-your-own sandwich bar, pizza, drinks, plus some other entrees and sides. Even breakfast cereal. Walt said the pizza was excellent. I stuck with a sandwich and salad and topped that off with cookies and capuccino for dessert. I think it merits a better plug in the program for next year, especially if the food court isn't open.
Special thanks to these major donors for help with the 2019 festival:
Jeff Rapsis has posted comments about this event on his "Silent Film Music" blog.
Visit Carol Yoho's photos of this 2019 KSFF, to be posted soon. [Carol constructed this page, photo collage and KSFF logo.]
Visit NitrateVille, a site run by Bruce Calvert, to read comments on the 2019 KSFF.
23rd Annual
— read the article published
in Topeka Capital-Journal,
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Set-up |
On-site work at Washburn University began on Wednesday when we transported stored items to White Concert Hall and hung out the banner. Washburn's facilities staff posted banners in all four quarters of compus. Musicians Marvin Faulwell, Bill Benningfield, Bob Keckeisen and, newly-arrived from Kansas City International Airport, Alloy Orchestra rehursed in the concert hall after supper on Thursday evening. Friday's set up included stage equipment set up, movie projection and accompaniment rehearsals. laying out displays of items for sales, including 23rd Anniversary t-shirts (in blue), LOTS of movie jewelry, DVDs, CDs. We set up two display cases of silent film collectibles, brought from Texas by silent film fan and 16mm projectionists for this occasion, Bruce Calvert and Jim Reed. Display posters were created by Our Fearless Leader: Bill Shaffer.
A comment about weather: we had snow nd cold to contend with. We always HOPE for signs of spring . The last weekend of February is our annually-appointmented event's date set with Washburn University for White Concert Hall...the only time of the year when the music department staff and students are away from Topeka and their auditorium is available for the long period we need to set-up. |
Thursday Night Rehursals:
Friday Afternoon Lobby Set-up:
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On-stage Talent |
Film Historian Denise Morrison introduced our films from the stage. Live music was provided this year by Jeff Rapsis (piano), Marvin Faulwell (organ), Bob Keckeisen (percussion), and Bill Beningfield (organ). Festival director Bill Shaffer introduced the Saturday morning schedule. Karl Mischler of New York City, took event photos when not on stage running DVD projection. Guests from Texas Jim Reid and Bruce Calvert assisted the festival by running projection for a 16mm movie shown on film. Our special guest was Ben Model, musician and researcher, speaking at our Cinema Dinner and introducing Saturday evening's showing of When Knighthood Was Iin Flower and then played the organ accompaniment for that feature. Ben also played piano accompaniment for that film for one unscheduled film shown on Saturday early afternoon, Harold Lloyd's Number, Please?. |
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The Event |
In the concert hall Jim Reid and Bruce Calvert served as 16mm film projectionists. Lyle Waring is on Washburn University music department staff as Facility Technician II. He runs the concert hall and helps in every way with on-stage setup, sound and lighting for the entire duration of our festival. Karl Mischler ran DVD projection. Technicans helped us and our musical talent carry off our showing of fifteen movies and a film documentary over the period of Friday evening and all day on Saturday. |
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Lobby Activity |
Chatting, shopping, relaxing and sharing took place in the lobby of White Concert Hall, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas. Special thanks to Melanie Lawrence and Zandra Myrick for arranging tables, overseeing sales, and managing volunteer services. Steadfast fans attending yearly make planning and presenting each Kansas Silent Film Festival worth the work. We extend our thanks to the many fans from Kansas and states north, south, east and west across the U.S. All are welcome! |
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11th Annual Cinema Dinner |
At this eleventh annual Cinema Dinner attendees enjoyed good food, conversation and door prize give-aways. Special guest Ben Model spoke after dinner about "Undercranking: The Magic Behind the Slapstick." The event was well attended, with fans scurrying across the street from the White Concert Hall lobby—very convenient. The festival committee appreaciates the support of attendees of each festival's Cincema Dinner! |
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Staff |
Staff devoting their time and efforts for the 2019 23rd Annual Kansas Silent Film Festival were Denise Morrison, Bill Shaffer, Jane Bartholomew, Zandra Myrick, Carol Yoho, Melanie Lawrence, Nancy Lawrence. and Brian Sanders. Help coming from out-of-state includes Karl Mischler, Larry & Enid Stendebach, Bruce Calvert, and Jim Reid. Special thanks go to Washburn employees Brock Martin (manager of White Concert Hall) and Washburn maintenance staff (especially Mike Sershen). We depend on the talents of our musicians Ben Model, Jeff Rapsis, Marvin Faulwell, Bill Beningfield, Bob Kecksisen and Jeff Rapsis. And, as always, we extend special thanks to our festival initiator Jim Rhodes. Many thanks to our dedicated staff and assistants! |
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Volunteers |
Melanie Lawrence is our Board of Directors Volunteer Chair. Melanie and the entire board would like to thank this year's volunteers who helped our staff by answering questions, selling merchandise, counting attendance arrivals, greeting fans and passing out programs. Thank you, 2019 KSFF volunteers! |
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on billboard, radio & TV |
On Friday morning KSFF Special Guests, members of Alloy Orchestra, appeared live on KANU Public Radio in Lawrence, KS. Included were Roger C. Miller, keyboardist; Terry Donahue, percussionist; and Ken Winokur, Director, percussionist and clarinetist. KSFF, Inc. president Bill Shafer was also at hand, as was festival photographer Karl E. Mischler Jr., in Kansas from New York City. Our thanks go to KANU for taking the time to help us promote the 23rd annual festival!
On Friday afternoon Alloy Orchestra members Terry Donahue, percussionist, and Ken Winokur, orchestra director and percussionist, appeareh with KSFF, Inc. president Bill Shaffer at WIBW Channel 13 live television in Topeka, KS. This local live program is know as "On the Red Couch." The program's host was Ralph Hipp.
Promotion on signs in Topeka
Billboard, 17th & Wanamaker, and on the new Jayhawk Theatre billboard.
On KANU Public Radio
On WIBW, Channel 13, Topeka: "On the Red Couch"
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Meals on-the-go |
The many out-of-town guests, talent and helpers for this event meet early and late for special meals as the organized, set-up and, later, took down equipment, displayed items and merchandise made available for this event. Our thanks to all talent and helper for their efforts and comradery. |
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Kansas Capitol Tour |
A new attendee this year was Karie Bible from Los Angeles. Karie is a huge fan of silent movies. In L.A. she gives cemetery tours and can point to graves of numerious people who had been involved in making early movies. Since she arrived early, she had time to tour the Kansas State Capitol building, including climbing to above the "False Dome," but chose not to climb to the top, where she could have stepped outdoors for a very high outdoor view of our Capital City. Topekan and KSFF staff member Carol Yoho accompanied Karie on this tour. |
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