2015 Festival Comments:
Marcy Tintera
Lincoln, NE
"Thanks, Bill and Committee, for another fantastic weekend of silent films. I'm so happy to have found you nine years ago. Looking forward to next year!!"
Don Bishop
Kansas City "Goodness, there just isn't enough I could say about how positive was my experience at KSFF. "Anyone's experience at KSFF would be subjective -- what appeals to one might not appeal quite as much to another. It just so happens that I liked everything about the festival, from the films to the music, the discussions, the dinner and the venue. I even had two of the best possible dinner companions, Bruce (I think) and Sally (I'm sure).
"Also at KSFF, I enjoyed shooting some video. My thanks to you, the consummate video professional, for tolerating me, the video beginner. I don't know when I might be able to edit the footage into something, but at least I have it!"
Jim Reid,
Dallas, TX "I really enjoyed this year's festival. Jon Mirsales was an excellent guest in that the people who attended were able to enjoy him all weekend. His Cinema Dinner talk was a little technical for a lot of folks I'm sure, but it was in my wheel house and I totally geeked out on it!
"I enjoyed all the comedies greatly, even having seen them before. The Little Church Around the Corner was enjoyable, if not great. But with it's local tie-in and Steve's Claire Windsor displays in the lobby, it was perfect (especially since it didn't break!).
"My feelings about BOAN are the same as Bruce's. I'm glad I saw it again, so now I don't have to wonder when I can use my print. I can just sell it.
"Loved The Sea Hawk! But as nice as the print was, it would have looked spectacular with xenon projection.
"As always, your folks are the greatest! Very welcoming. I've talked to people who have been to KSFF and the main thing they always say is how wonderful the people in Kansas are."
NOTE: Jim loaned us some of the shorts we ran for the KSFF (like Battle of the Century).
Jeff Rapsis comments on his "Silent Film Music" blog.
Visit Carol Yoho's photos of 2015 KSFF. [Carol constructed this page, photo collage and KSFF logo.]
Visit NitrateVille, a site run by Bruce Calvert, to read comments on the 2014 KSFF.
Watch video comments by Kevin Willmott in our panel discussion of The Birth of a Nation, shared by Larry Stendebach.
Watch mulitple videos from the 2015 Kansas Silent Film Festival, shared by Larry Stendebach.
Student reviews from the live showing of a silent comedy short at Carroll Chapel, Washburn University campus, with live musical accompaniment by Jon Mirsalis, on Fri. morning, Feb. 27, 2015. Students were mass media majors. Reviews are available online, as shared by their instructor.
Listen to "KPR Presents,"Kaye McIntyre's interview with Denise Morrison, film historian and hostess of the 19th Annual Kansas Silent Film Festival. The Sunday, February 22 program also featured a number of StoryCorps interviews recorded in Topeka concerning the Brown v. Board of Education desegregation decision, 1954. The show also featured McIntyre's interview with Dick Lehr.
Showing director
D.W. Griffith's The Birth of A Nation
in honor of 100 Yrs.
Read article, Topeka Capital-Journal, by Bill Blankenship
Special thanks to these major donors for help with the 2015 festival:
Set-up |
On-site work began on Friday, Feb. 27, with the set-up of the audiorium and lobby spaces. Music rehearsals were a part of preparation. Weather was mild on Friday afternoon. Staff has worked together for several years, and the set-up went smoothly. |
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On-stage Talent |
Film Historian Denise Morrison introduced our films from the stage. Live music was provided this year by Jeff Rapsis (piano), Marvin Faulwell (organ), Bob Keckeisen (percussion), and special guest Jon Mirsalis. Jon joined our other special guest Lisa Stein Haven. Festival director Bill Shaffer introduced Saturday morning schedule, and was also seen often onstage as he coordinated efforts and ran DVD projection. |
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The House |
In the concert hall Karl Mischler served as 16mm film projectionist. Lyle Waring is on Washburn University music department staff as Facility Technician II. He runs the concert hall and helps in every way with on-stage setup, sound and lighting for the entire duration of our festival. Trevor Jost and Karl Mischler helped Bill Shaffer with stage work also. |
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Weather |
Another year of snow was on hand for the festival, starting on Saturday morning, February 28, 2015. We've had weather as a concern for several years in a row, but are locked into our last-Fr./Sat.-in-February schedule at Washburn University. Planners keep thinking, "Next year, odds are in our favor for good weather for this event." We keep dreaming it will be so... |
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Lobby Activity |
Chatting, shopping, relaxing and sharing in the lobby of White Concert Hall, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas. Our thanks go to P.T.'s Coffee House. They furnished hot coffee all day on Saturday afternoon, with donations accepted. Warm coffee was appreciated on a snowy day!
— Our thanks to Steve Richardson, John Kelso, Bill Shaffer, Bruce Calvert and Jim Reid for lobby display items! |
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7th Annual Cinema Dinner |
At this seventh annual Cinema Dinner attendees enjoyed good food, door prize give-aways, a welcome from the president of Washburn University, Dr. Jerry Farley, and a discussion by Jon Mirsalis about "Lost Films." The event was well attended, with many film fans finding good food and the trip back—and-fort-just across the street from the White Concert Hall lobby—to be very convenient. The festival committee appreaciates the support of attendees of each festival's Cincema Dinner! |
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Fans |
Steadfast fans make planning and presenting each Kansas Silent Film Festival worth the work. This year we were pleased to have good attendance despite snows falling during the day on Saturday. The 2014-15 winter has been another long one. We extend our thanks to the many fans from Kansas and states north, south, east and west as far as both coasts and nation's northern and southern borders. All are welcome, and our event remains free to the public! |
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Larry's Selfies |
Larry Stendebach comes each year from Hannibal, MO, with his wife, Enid, to help with our festival. Each year he brings his camera and many photos on this page are shared by Larry. Below is a special group of photos Larry took with some special guests and dedicated attendees...photos for us all to enjoy. |
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Staff |
Staff devoting their time and efforts for the 2015 festival were Denise Morrison, Bill Shaffer, Jane Bartholomew, Karl Mischler, Trevor Jost, Larry & Enid Stendebach, Lyle Waring, Jim Rhodes, Marvin Faulwell, Jeff & Susan Rapsis, Carol Yoho, Melanie Lawrence, Nancy Lawrence, Marj and Ragen Murray, Steve Richardson, Bruce Calvert and Jim Reid. Many thanks to our dedicated staff and assistants! |
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Volunteers |
Melanie Lawrence is our Board of Directors Volunteer Chair. Melanie and the entire board would like to thank this year's volunteers who helped our staff by answering questions, selling merchandise, counting attendance arrivals, greeting fans and passing out programs. Thank you, 2015 KSFF volunteers! |
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Extras |
Musical talent branched into the community in 2015, including Jeff Rapsis playing for Chaplin's THE RINK at Auburn Elementary School, Jon Mirsalis playing at Carroll Chapel on the Washburn campus for Mass Media college majors, and Marvin Faulwell playing at Topeka's Landon Middle School. |