2014 Festival Comments:
Arnold Lozano, www.charliechaplin.com
Paris, FRANCE:
"Thanks for sending us your lovely brochures. We received them today." 3/13/2014
Jay & Jane Mathisrud, Minneapolis, MN:
"Thanks to all for another great film festival. It was our 10th straight year in attendance."
Scott Garten, Maryville, MO:
"I'm surely glad we made it to the festival this year: two or three highlights- the only Will Rogers movie I have seen so far, and the first and last manifestations of Charlie Chaplin's Little Tramp."
Jackie & Bob Gfeller, Brock, NE:
"Fabulous job by ALL to give great joy and family traditions a good place to form! Awesome and THANK YOU TO ALL!
It was great to be able to help your volunteers! They are an awesome and fun bunch of folks....You guys are all the Cats Pajamas!"
Paul Post,
Topeka, KS:
"Another great festival! Thanks to you and your board."
Jeff & Sue Rapsis,
New Hampshire:
"Just a quick word to say thanks to everyone once again for a great silent film festival! We're always impressed by all the work and effort that everyone puts into making each year a success, and we're delighted to play a small part in helping things come together.
Sue and I made it back to New Hampshire on Sunday with no problems. We hope spring comes to everyone real soon!"
Rodney Sauer,
Boulder, CO:
"And thanks from us as well! We had some pretty hairy weather between Salina and Oakley...but we all arrived home safely.
We loved hearing the other musicians work for as long as we were able to be there, but missed not being at the dinner and the evening shows. Next year we'll plan to stay until the end! Please arrange the weather accordingly :-)"
Marcy Tintera,
Lincoln, NE:
"Well, your committee did it again....planned and organized a wonderful weekend of films. Many, many thanks to everyone who helped with this event. Wish I lived closer so that I could be a part of it all. I'm already looking forward to next year!"
Gladys Grisell,
Topeka, KS:
"Just want to say thanks for another great Silent Film Festival. ...As usual the dinner was delicious. We will be looking forward to next year and hope we will be able to attend."
Marge & Barney Heeney,
Topeka, KS:
"What a wonderful opportunity for us to see the best of Topeka, our university and the well-tuned citizens who with knowledge of the silentsand lots of energy gave us a million dollar festival. The Saturday evening program was WOW! The film, meal and the give-aways kept our interest at 100%. It's my desire more locals learn about this fantastic weekend."
Bruce Calvert,
Dallas, TX:
"Thanks for a great weekend. I really enjoyed this year's festival. It was the perfect mix of films that had already seen and films that were new to me. The music was great as usual. The Cinema Dinner had great food and Jeff did a good job with his presentation. The snow made driving home on Sunday miserable."
Robin Gandy,
DeSoto, KS:
"What a wonderful time we had at the Silent Film Festival last weekend! I've been a history geek my whole life and often like to imagine what day-to-day life was like for people at different times in the past. Sitting in the dark hall, being part of a crowd, and hearing the live accompaniment gets me so close to being in a movie audience of the time that it occasionally gives me goosebumps. It's sometimes a tiny bit disconcerting when the lights come on and it's not really 1925. I can only imagine the amount of work you put into this each year, but the results are just wonderful. And by 'you' I mean the whole KSFF group, of course."
Louise Langberg,
St. Paul, MN:
Thanks again for a great party! I had a lovely trip! I'm glad that the turnout was so good! The place was packed on Friday night!
Jackie Gfeller,
Brock, NE:
Thanks so much! We are still basking in the afterglow of the festival!