Sally Simpson, St. Louis, MO:
For us, the silent classics are special. Our first date was to the Webster University's showing of "The Girl With The Hat Box" nearly 2.5 years ago. Now, we plan our trip to Topeka, KS from St. Louis, MO each and every year for the KS Silent Film Festival. We love attending the festival because it reminds us of how we both came together, and of course of our love and respect for the silent genre of movies. Thanks once again for all that you and the others involved do to put this festival together each year.
Jim Rhodes, KSFF Founder, Topeka:
Just wanted to tell you what a great festival you directed this year! Without the help of everyone working together I know it would not have been possible. What a great team we've recruited over a 16 year period! And thanks to each of you for doing your part. Now it's on to the 17th one!!! Thanks.
Just this past weekend's festival was another great adventure into silent film revival!
Jeff Rapsis, N.H.:
A really interesting group of films (some familiar classics, some I'd never seen before), a wonderful variety of live music, and large audiences—it all contributed to recreating the magic that caused people to first fall in love with the movies.
Congratulations to everyone who worked to make this another great Kansas Silent Film Festival. It's a wonderful event with its own traditions and experiences and lore, and I hope it continues for a long time.
Johnny & Lois Bailey
St. Louis, MO:
My wife and I attended our first KSFF event this past weekend—you all did a great job. Music, films and enthusiasm of all made it an enjoyable experience which we hope to repeat.
Jay & Jane Mathisrud, Minneapolis, MN:
We enjoyed the selection of films this year. Music was outstanding as well. Hope to visit again next year!
Kristen Sales, L.A., CA:
I adored my time at the KSSF! In all honesty, I thought it was a really
well-run festival, with a nice balance between education and
entertainment. Everyone was so nice! It's always a pleasure to be around film people who share the same interests and can actually talk intelligently about things.
I'm working on my write-up of the festival right now and will
definitely tweet that up when it's all finished.
Thanks for rolling out the red carpet for me. Schedule permitting (fingers crossed!), I'd love to come back next year.
Jason Boles:
Kansas City, MO:
Just a quick note to say job well done on the 2012 KSFF. It was my first time attending and I thought it was simply fantastic! I look forward to attending time and time again.
Jackie Gfeller,
Brock, NE:
Well, the dust is probably settling by now, and I wanted to give you time to catch your breath to tell you that we all truly enjoyed our experience again this year. Our 'first-timers' that we brought with us have become new addicts as well. I think we might have 8 next year, but will know that for sure when we get closer!
...5 stars and 10 thumbs up on the KSFF. Enjoyed it again and already lining up our group for next year!
God Bless you and all the wonderful staff of volunteers that make this weekend possible.
I checked out the website last night, and the recap is up! It was fun to review the pics and see familiar faces, and the joy of the event ON those faces. I know it is a lot of work for all of you, but your hard work gives such joy to so many people. I am so blessed that I discovered the Silent Film Festival. It has added a whole new dynamic to my life. Please tell all the volunteers how much their hard work is appreciated!
Gladys Grisel,
Topeka, KS:
I wanted you to know how much we enjoyed ourselves and how much we appreciate everything you and your committee does to make it such a success. Because of other plans we were unable to attend any of the Saturday day time showings. However we were happy to know we had not missed it completely with the showing of the Laural and Stanly short on Saturday night. As always the dinner was delicious. Loved everything.